Confession: I have written nearly nothing the last five days.
Nothing in my favorite Rhodia softcover notebook (where I dump all the things as they pop in my brain throughout the day) or my LETT'S five-year diary (which I use each morning to record important points about the previous day and notes on prayers) or Evernote (my favorite digital notebook for the last 12 years). Nada.
In fact, I haven't done much besides attending a 3-day family workshop at my son's treatment center. I was able to spend some time with him, and he looks so much better with extra pounds and freckles popping out from the sun. Best of all, he's working on his insides, too. Great weekend, but exhausting. If you have a loved one in recovery, you get it.
Sunday morning instead of heading to my normal spot on the sofa for my coffee and quiet time, I walked to the front door, and I have no idea why. It's been so hot and humid outside that drinking coffee on the porch hasn't happened in quite some time. But when I stepped out, I was surprised at how wonderful the air felt--breathable with a faint breeze. Standing on the steps I spotted the canna lilies at the corner of the house and thought what a splendid scene. So I snapped a photo. I'm teaching myself that I don't have to document every moment of beauty, but I'm not sorry I had my camera (phone) in hand.
It was early as I walked across the dewy grass, not something I normally do in my "house shoes” (read: $7 pair of flip flops), and I settled into one of the chairs overlooking the hollow. I listened to the birds chirping for a few minutes then was surprised by two fox kits playing as they scrambled up the hill a few yards behind their mama. Y’all—remember our nighttime sneaky fox, Donnie???
Donnie is not the man I thought she was.
Something spooked the kits, and they raced back down the hill, roly-poly, pell-mell, tumble-bumble1. They went over a knoll and dove into the kudzu at the bottom as their mama skirted the edge of the hollow and sat about 15 feet from me. She was rather regal and serene as she looked out over the expanse, turning her head here and there every few seconds to thwart any potential surprise attacks. The wrens fussed loudly from the crape myrtles.
I've sat outside each morning since, hoping to witness this animal kingdom beside my house. Monday morning I startled her, and she growled at me and ran before discharging two sharp barks. A little while later she walked three kits across the hollow like a crossing guard, so now I'm completely confused as to how many foxes are claiming this as home. Regardless, there is wonderment in it all.
What am I learning this week?
Besides reading up on fox species, I’m learning that worship can look like sitting in a chair in awe of God’s creation, especially when the days are difficult. I'll eventually go back to my regular spot on the sofa for my morning time with Him, but for now, I'm just being still and praising the Creator of the grey fox and all its fascinating ways.
P.S. During all this morning fox observation, this post on “Creation Resources” landed in my inbox—how timely! I took a suggestion there and ordered The God of the Garden: Thoughts on Creation, Culture, and the Kingdom by Andrew Peterson. Maybe you’ll find a good resource or two there also.
from a favorite childhood book, The Poky Little Puppy by Janette Sebring Lowrey
Love this💛 So many ways to encounter God and being with Him in creation enjoying what He made is a favorite of mine as well!
Rhodia, the under appreciated notebook brand. Respect.