Had I not signed into Substack to do some last minute editing, I wouldn't have seen that Holly's back just in time to make a frenized morning a little bit brighter. :)

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hello, Holly. Where have you been? Hope you are OK. Good idea to change one's perspective. I often find that a frustrating-at-the-time delay, for instance, results in my meeting someone I never would have otherwise. I take a very Panglossian view as far as possible, ie that everything is for the best in the best of all possible worlds!

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You brought the lemonade to my lemons today. Thank you 🙂.

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I often wonder about those things in life that seem to fit - being late caused this to happen (like your story), getting sick resulted in something positive in life instead of something negative, saying no to something I thought I wanted and realizing that was a great decision, and there are more... It's simple to get frustrated by the driver in front of me who was checking the phone and causing me to wait for another cycle of light changes...but maybe that wait was just what was needed to avoid getting hit by an aggressive driver a few blocks ahead of me... Who knows?

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This is exactly how these instances feel to me, Jack -- so long as I can get my head in the right place. I'd like to be better about seeing, or feeling, this way in the moment rather than in hindsight. But I guess I can't ask that much of my lumpy humanity. No matter. The world keeps presenting me with ample opportunities for practice!

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There’s a movie called Sliding Doors with Gwyneth Paltrow that explores this idea, showing a woman’s life in a couple of parallels--one where she catches the train and one where she barely misses it. Not the greatest film, but it certainly makes you think about these things.

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I needed to read this. Thank you, Holly!

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Good to see you again, Holly! Love your perspective! So inspiring. I hope you are well.

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Glad to see you too!

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So lovely to see this post, Holly. Another fabulous read.

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Excellent writing, great insights. Events we all face and their aftermath. And, you, have turned it into a poetic journey of life. Perfecto

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I went looking for the good just now and found this. Score! Thanks, Holly. Love this "If you give a mouse a cookie" invitation to see even the most frustrating day for the light it has to bring. Welcome back, and save a gingersnap for me!

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Ahh...that dose of "Holly" that I needed and received. Thank you Writing Friend. Now, I think I need Gingersnap cookies!

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I hope there will be a follow-up post about Michael the joyful welder!

Thank you for bringing grace to "one of those days".

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I loved seeing your name in my inbox! :) Thank you Holly.

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Holly's back!

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Thanks for this. Enjoy the ginger snaps!

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Indeed, funny how life is like this. And how wonderful when we recognize it!

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