I enjoyed your MMs today! The story of the jeans, oy. And at a Cancer Institute?! The "where" it's happening is what maddens me most. I know going to the hospital is beyond stressful as is, and if I was in your shoes today there's really no telling how I'd react to such nonsense... Bravo to you and your response.

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Aug 25, 2022Liked by Holly Rabalais

I will never for the life of me understand what motivates people to try to dictate how other people live, dress, whatever. Mind your own #$%* business, Elevator Guy.

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Aug 24, 2022Liked by Holly Rabalais

What is most interesting about Mr. Elevators comment is the breathtakingly layered layered disingenuousness. He is a true artist!

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Aug 24, 2022Liked by Holly Rabalais

Proud to be mentioned as a fellow ‘questionable taste in clothing’ friend. 😜 Reminds me of someone I know who thinks everyone cares what he thinks about everything even though almost no one ever does. 🙄🤣

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You handled that much more gracefully than I probably would have...

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Aug 24, 2022Liked by Holly Rabalais

Amazing the things people say- so much should be kept to themselves

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I had a hard time settling on my mid-week post, the "collecting things" was kind of a last minute brainstorm yesterday. Tough sometimes!

No one likes the fashion police.

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When I retired as an addiction counselor I returned to my former garb when I was a sheetrock hanger, namely bib overalls.

Since my mother is no longer with us to buy me a new pair every Christmas I wind up with a pair of holes that neatly line up with my bicycle seat. I only spring for a new pair when the holes at the knee get so big that I have a hard time getting my feet through the legs without catching in the gap

As for the bibs themselves I've noticed that they come back in fashion about once a decade and the last time, Kanye West was wearing a pair.

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