I love a good Trader Joe’s trip and will keep my eyes open for the fog spread next time I’m there. And I’m always up for soup, even in here in sunny South Florida. My husband keep the house cold enough that soup is always a good idea. 🙂 Going to try the beef soup but with turkey.

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It’s just as good with turkey, Susi!

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The Fig Butter sounds delicious!

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I love the robins looking after their own! Birds are the best. But also: birds seem to look out for other birds that aren't their own species: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180521143827.htm Much for us to learn from, there...

And don't get me started on crows: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20191211-crows-could-be-the-smartest-animal-other-than-primates

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And now I shall be learning all about birds, Mike. I do enjoy your wealth of knowledge!

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What a warm and welcoming collection, Holly! I needed a lift today, and your writing gave me just that. My Honey is like your dad in terms of what he will eat, so my ability to experiment is nonexistent. I am reading The Underground Railroad by William Still. I purchased a copy from 1970 from Abe Books, and the descriptions of what each person did/went through/endured/escaped are mind-boggling and life-affirming, too, in that they each had to "choose" freedom, and with that came an ever-present danger. I love the way you thank each of your new readers. It gives me this warm feeling and also the realization that it is something I want to incorporate into my little Substack community. I am not a natural at creating a community with adults. Now, you give me a bunch of little children, and I am not just comfortable but energized by helping to create a caring community of learners. Thank you for your February Collection.

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We are hoping to visit the Underground Railroad Museum in Cincinnati later this month--I’m looking forward to learning more!

And we all have different gifts, Mary. I am always amazed at those who have a gift for building community with kids!

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Oh yes! There is so much to learn. And "Yes" to all of us having different gifts. Thank you again for your February Collection.

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by Holly Rabalais

Lovely suggestions--culinary & literary! The garage mahal post was so fun!

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Great, now I want to make a beef stew that I have time for AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!

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You’re welcome.😉

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by Holly Rabalais

I want a vegan and gluten-free version of that Buffalo Chicken Flatbread! Looks so delicious. Maybe Jack will do it for me! 😊 I also didn't think I wanted kids, but having my daughter has been the single most transformative experience of my life and I wouldn't change it for the world! Loved everything about this Collection! xoxo

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If anyone can do it, Jack can!🤣

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Feb 12, 2023Liked by Holly Rabalais

He is my vegan hero! (And such a great human, too. But I think you know that. 😄)

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Holly Rabalais

I love this post and the idea of lists. I tried to start this when I was on Medium, but it lasted one entry, ha! A way to share what is good, interesting on the Web or outside our own window. I am glad you are enjoying my Black Poet Spotlights, I have and still am discovering more writers and it's great!

As far as cooking, I'm spoiled since my husband is a Chef but I usually have the pleasure of making lunches. This past week though he cooked enough to pull me through most of the week. I did tweak a pasta dish though using his meat sauce. After the pasta was done and meat sauce thrown in, I added some leftover smothered cabbage I'd made, and WOW! Also baked a Peach Olive Oil Cake that turned out quite good.

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Peach Olive Oil Cake sounds amazing!!! And hooray for a chef in the house!🤣

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I endorse flatbread...I endorse your efforts in the kitchen...I endorse trying one (or three) of my flatbread recipes...and I certainly embrace the shoutout - thanks!

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Enjoyed all of this. Mostly the story of your child and the poem it inspired. Tony Evans is amazing in so many ways. Doesn't cornbread come out of a Jiffy box? :) Have a great weekend Holly!

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I confess--I made Jiffy cornbread until I was well into my 40s!

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It’s what Southerners do!😃

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I read Persuasion for the first time last year. Had a similar thought!

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I’m always curious why men read Jane Austen, Bill. I always envision the scenes from You’ve Got Mail where Joe is trying to read Pride and Prejudice!

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Ha ha! My wife, gave me an appreciate Austen’s wit and writing and it took off from there. She can also do a great impression of Elizabeth Bennet (Kiera Knightley style) which brings iP&J to life. I didn’t love Sense and Sensibility as much but will be reading Emma this year. I do love the classics.

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Ah, it’s always the influence of a woman, isn’t it? True persuasion!

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Another nice collection Holly!

I can't believe racism still exists. People should see people as just people. Why should it matter what color they are? I'm sorry to hear that it exists in your area.

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I agree, Matt. It blows my mind that people still refuse to get to know a person--making judgments about their character based on their color.

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I’ve never tried corn bread or fig spread but I feel like I’d really like both - off to investigate so thanks for that Holly and also your beautiful words about chasing the moon - I needed those today! ✨💫💜

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Here’s a recipe I like for cornbread. Best cooked in a cast iron skillet!


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Oh that looks really nice! I’ll experiment!!

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Gosh, Holly, another terrific Collection - I feel I want to pack it ALL into my rucksack and carry it with me - the food, the recommended reading, the words, the love, the life!

Your poem has enchanted me all the way from my eyebrows to my toes, and it's made my eyes leak considerably. So, so beautiful. Thank you.

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I think I need to send a handkerchief across the pond to put in your rucksack!

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🤣 LOL - great thought, Holly, but I've beaten you to it! I always carry one in my trouser pocket, and TWO spares in my rucksack! Always proper hankies, never tissues! 🤣

Again, such a lovely post. Thank you. ♥️

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The Buffalo chicken flatbread looks delicious. I haven’t had success with arugula so maybe I’ll give it another chance. 😀

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🤣 My dad has a very basic palette and only wants to eat iceberg lettuce (yuck!--no nutritional value!). He called arugula and other “fancy” greens spider lettuce.

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What's wrong with iceberg lettuce? It is cholesterol-free, fat-free, and low-sodium. It provides small amounts of iron, vitamin A, and fiber.

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I stand corrected, Matt. Iceberg lettuce isn’t entirely void of nutrients. I just find it to be tasteless and miles behind other lettuces in nutrients. I prefer romaine.

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I think spinach could go well too. The last time I ate arugula in a sandwich it was bitter. I’ll have to try arugula on its own. 😀

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It definitely can be bitter. Look for baby arugula as it’s less bitter, I think.

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Baby arugula is definitely less bitter (at least in my experience).

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There is hope after all! 😀 thanks!

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🤦🏻‍♀️ Palate, not palette.

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I'm going to see if I can make vegetarian versions of the Figgy Piggy and buffalo chicken dishes. They look too good to not at least try! And our Trader Joes is across the street from my favorite record store, so that's as good of reason as any, right?

P.S. Arugula is underrated. There's a local farm that sells it at the Farmer's market, and I will bike over just for them alone.

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I love it! It’s a great way to add texture and nutrients to a meal without an overly “green” taste or too much crunch. Let me know if you come up with a good riff on those. I absolutely love these because I like meals with all kinds of flavors going on. And then there’s the naan--need I say more?

Have fun at the record store!--I mean, Trader Joe’s!🤣

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Great recipe suggestions! Our first stop every time we return to the States (after saying hello to the family) is Trader Joes. I stock up with as much as I can eat whilst we are in the US, then go again before we leave to stuff my bags full of whatever I can legally carry back to the UK. My friends here have been forced to listen to me wax on and on about all the cool things you can get at TJs. There is really nothing like it here, sadly. But I'm inspired for my next trip and also how to improvise those recipes with the lovely food we do get here. Thanks for the round up!

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