Holly, I'm so moved by your shout-out to my book! "Still True" only came out a little over a week ago so I'm used to its readers being people I personally know, ha. To have a lovely stranger include it here in this wonderful round-up is absolutely surreal for me. I appreciate it so much and I'm so thrilled that you liked my book. <3

And in reading the rest of this, I'm reminded of my absolute favorite cold-weather comfort stew (and I'm up here in Wisconsin, so we know from cold). I can't remember how I stumbled upon it but it is so good and I make a batch weekly in the winter time.


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Oct 8, 2022Liked by Holly Rabalais

I read Cameron's The Artist's Way a long time ago. Every now and then I try to get into that morning pages habit, but I find it so difficult. I'd always rather start writing whatever it is I'm working on. So, I just go with that.

However, I love Cameron's other recommendation: the artist's date. The idea is just to take yourself somewhere that nourishes your artistic spirit (a library, a museum, a waterfront, a cool cafe...)

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So many things in this newsletter! I didn't know one could set up an affiliate shop at Bookshop.org! I'm so glad they allow that because I often recommend books in my newsletter.

British accents - my husband is British so my life is one long delightful earful (mostly cursing, haha). He's from Yorkshire, which has a very different sound to it than the southern lilt. Over the years I've picked up a variety of sayings (and cursing) which I'm sure amuse others.

Food - my husband is also the cook here, and he often buys spices online because they're so hard to get locally. That Hungarian paprika is not something one can substitute! One of his favorite recipe sites is http://www.ecurry.com/blog/. I often share links to the recipes he's been using in my newsletter.

Morning rituals - my ritual is to make note of the previous days weather (temperature high/low/avg.) from my weather station. I keep a running chart of my data compared to the official Seattle data. I've been doing it long enough now that I can compare previous years. Pretty fascinating! Lately I'm also doing a little bit of art some mornings, and/or I read favorite newsletters. I do a little bit of journaling, but haven't ever tried the morning pages technique. I've heard so much about it.

I'm really loving your newsletter, thank you for writing!

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I must have that orange notebook! šŸ„ŗ

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Holly Rabalais

I think I read The Artist's Way as well. "A long, long time ago." I love the idea of Morning pages and since I have an obsession with a certain notebook that TJMaxx and Marshalls really needs to stop carrying and need to start filling them!

Thank you for sharing your dishes as well. I made a Banana Cake yesterday as well as Salmon Croquettes. Today, smothered cabbage with smoked turkey. Delicious!

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So, so happy you enjoyed Still True. I'm biased, but I ALSO think it's a pretty amazing book. (And I love it when my real life and my internet life come together in some way...)

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I think ā€œThe Artists Wayā€ may be responsible for generating more guilt on the part of people who found they couldnā€™t follow through than any book in human history, haha!

Curious what youā€™ve found to be beneficial in handwriting rather than clattering away at the keyboard. Iā€™ve tried both but always return to typing as I canā€™t write fast enough to keep up with the flow of thoughts.

One morning practice Iā€™ve done for years is writing my own long prayers and then repeating every morning until itā€™s time for a new one.

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Obviously, think this is all fantastic. Iā€™m kind of motivated to try the sauerkraut recipe as an Octoberfest Homage. However, I am going to dig out my recipe for butternut squash soup--it has curry powder and it was a big hit at Thanksgiving last year.

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Now I'm starving while riding a train. Thanks for that! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

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On the walk into work from the employee lot, I always used to listen to music, a podcast, etc. Now I just listen to what's going on around me. For being 4 AM ish, it's a lot "louder" than one might think.

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Morning rituals...yes, I have them too, and they are not that far from yours. I begin my day between 5:30 and 6 and after making a coffee, I spend about 15 minutes reading something spiritual - to help me build any necessary defense forces against the inevitable arrival of self-doubt and resistance. I follow up with a 20-minute meditation practice and usually some yoga - to keep my brain muscles and physical muscles alive and pliable. Writing in my journal is the next step...and I thoroughly enjoy the conversation I have with myself - although it is often too critical and harsh. These things help me prepare for the day and keep me grounded...and I love starting this way...except when I'm on holiday and all my routines and behaviors change.

The Artist's Way sounds interesting...it also reminds me of a particular favorite of mine The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.

And thanks for the mention in your wonderful Collection - an honor indeed!

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I love your 'Collection' posts, Holly - so much to get stuck into! And that foooooood.....

I'm so grateful to my neighbour for popping over with that wonderful parcel from Mississippi!

Don't you pop? That's really interesting! We Brits 'pop' everywhere. We pop out for a minute - or for an afternoon. We pop in on friends. We pop to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. I've just popped my cup of tea down on the worktop so I could wipe up the milk I've just spilt.

Have you seen the film 'The King's Speech'? Queen Elizabeth (consort to George VI, and also known as the Queen Mother) seeks language therapist Lionel Logue's help for her husband. Logue hasn't recognised who she is, and asks her to just tell her husband to 'pop in' to see him himself. He is told in no uncertain terms who the husband actually is, followed by 'WE do not "pop"!'


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Holly!! Thanks for the shout out! Jarvis is an amazing fellow!

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