Thank you for the signal boost! You’ve put me in some great company here.

More importantly, I hope today is going a little smoother (relatively speaking) for you!

P.S. FWIW, I feel like 1 subscriber here is the same as 10-12 on another platform (and, like 20 on FB). It’s quality not quantity.

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Thanks, Kevin! I was jamming to Graham Parker at the cancer center this morning between conference calls (on laptop with headphones). Thanks for the great tune today!

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Of course! I'm glad you liked it.

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I love this roundup, Holly -- especially how you include pull quotes from past posts. That's such a great idea.

I too love Thanks for Letting Me Share and echo its helpfulness for someone with a loved one in recovery. (Ostensibly I am in recovery myself, in Al-Anon, but it always feels little weird saying that.)

And thank you for including Can we read? in your awesome list -- I appreciate the support so much. At one time, I had 69 subscribers, too -- all I can say is that everything changes, and keep going!

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Interesting...I guess I never considering just saying I'm reading Thanks For Letting Me Share *for me* because I'm working on *me.* But I get so much out of it. And not just from the recovery perspective. Randall's got some great photos of NYC and stories of his childhood. Good stuff for anyone, I think (did you see that haul from the Farmers Market last weekend?!).

I'm way more excited about 69 subscribers here than I am about hundreds of connections on social media. Great community here!

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I did see the farmer's market haul! And I agree that there's much more to Randall's newsletter than recovery content. I like it all around.

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Thanks for the shoutout Holly! And I gotta say you’ve got a knack for headlines!

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