We’ve wrapped up the first three months of posts EVER at Release and Gather and wanted to take a moment to say…
Thank you.
Knowing that some of my words are resonating with you keeps me motivated to write, so thanks for being here.
The subscriber base is small (69 at the time of this posting—so, small by some standards) but growing. If you know someone who might enjoy this publication, please consider sharing it with them.
Release and Gather Roundup
In lieu of Midweek Musings today, here’s a round-up of what’s been published in Summer 2022. I hope you’ll check out some of those posts you may have missed and let me know what you think. If a quote, photo, or story struck a chord with you, please comment on the post, share it, or email me to let me know how it impacted you (hollyrabalais@substack.com).
Monthly Collections
Some of my favorite posts from others are collections of what they’re discovering, so each month I share some of my own.
Midweek Musings
In August I began a regular midweek post. Reflections vary.
Stem Cell Donation Series
Hey, did you hear? My brother has AML, and I was a perfect match for his stem cell transplant. I share my experience in this series. The goal: increase awareness, reduce fear and misconceptions about being a donor, and help save lives.
(Mostly) Saturday Morning Posts
I’ve settled into a (mostly) Saturday morning release schedule for posts (with the exception of Midweek Musings), which seems to work well. It lands in your inbox, and you can read at your weekend leisure. Here’s the balance of what wasn’t covered in Midweek Musings and the Stem Cell Donor series.
“So often the most important work we do is the most insignificant from the world’s point of view. I’m learning to be more committed and consistent to the everyday tasks that are the hardest to initiate. I’m learning to use the time in those tasks as connection with God…”
“I went back to sleep, thinking it was all a dream until the next morning when he reiterated over coffee that there was a thud, a package, and a fox at 1:30 in the morning. I had so many questions…”
“I listened to the birds chirping for a few minutes then was surprised by two fox kits playing as they scrambled up the hill a few yards behind their mama….Donnie is not the man I thought she was.”
“Three years ago, we moved to a small town with just over 1,300 residents in a square mile area, a vast difference from our life in suburbia with a population of 17,000.”
“About six months ago, I had a realization: every time I finished a social media scrolling session, I felt icky. Unsettled. Dissatisfied. Annoyed. Inadequate. Small. Agitated.”
“The thing about whispers is that there’s no screaming…They happen in a brief moment and leave you with a feeling that what you’ve experienced came from God. If you’re not paying attention, not listening, not open to the possibility that the God of the Universe might show up in some unexpected way in your life, you’ll miss it.”
“When you leave the hospital, you mistakenly believe these are your little bundles of joy; then one day you understand they are not.”
“Even when we don’t ask, He sometimes give us connections to remind us that He’s there.”
Worthy Wordsmiths
If you’re looking for more words worth reading, here are 10 Substacks I discovered and have been enjoying this Summer (think of Substack as a digital magazine but without the repetitive ads).
Brent and Michael Are Going Places
Brent and Michael are “digital nomads” who sold everything and began country-hopping. They move to a new country every few months, working remotely, and they share their adventures, tips, and thoughts here. There are some fascinating posts here like the one about the abandoned Olympics bobsleigh run in Sarajevo and an interview with a couple who did a “medical tourism” stint in Turkey for a bilateral knee replacement.
I’m hooked. From the rubber plant saga to the Senior Citizen Roulette interviews to this fabulous interview with NYC chess hustlers, Anne is serving up a bright spot each week. You should head over there and read! read! read!
Can We Read?
If you know me at all then you know I love books for all ages. Sarah will outfit you with all kinds of tips and titles here—check it out.
The Isolation Journals with Suleika Jaouad
Suleika's posts have helped me immensely in understanding the perspective of someone with cancer. I also learn great ways to cope with what life throws at us.
Living in a Body
Hal Walker is a musician living with severe chronic illness. Lately, his health has prevented him from making much music so he’s turned to writing. Join him as he shares his perspective.
Oldster Magazine
“Oldster Magazine explores what it means to travel through time in a human body—of any gender, at every phase of life. It focuses on the good, the bad, and the ugly we experience with each milestone, starting early in life. It’s about the experience of getting older, and what that means at different junctures.”
On Repeat by Kevin Alexander
Kevin consistently delivers playlists and song recs that will enhance your day. If you like music, you'll want to subscribe!
“It’s a peephole into a different life — one centered around small town living, high-alpine adventure, and deep dives into nature.” (Kelton recently gave us a virtual tour of her cozy, imperfect cabin that I highly recommend!)
The Smitten Kitchen Digest
I’ve been enjoying Smitten Kitchen recipes long before I knew about the her Substack space (I think it was Instagram that first introduced me). This is a great place to discover new recipes that are never dull.
Thanks For Letting Me Share
Who knew that reading the publication of a recovering alcoholic could help me so much?! Randall's daily gratitude posts are like little donuts in your day, and the Breakfast with an Alcoholic podcasts are educational for someone (ME!) with a loved one in recovery.
May you find something that hits all the right notes for you!
Look for a new post from me on Saturday. Until then, I’ll leave you with this quote:
“I do love secondhand books that open to the page some previous owner read oftenest….I love inscriptions on flyleaves and notes in the margins, I like the comradely sense of turning pages someone else turned, and reading passages some one long gone has called my attention to.” - Helen Hanff
Thank you for the signal boost! You’ve put me in some great company here.
More importantly, I hope today is going a little smoother (relatively speaking) for you!
P.S. FWIW, I feel like 1 subscriber here is the same as 10-12 on another platform (and, like 20 on FB). It’s quality not quantity.
I love this roundup, Holly -- especially how you include pull quotes from past posts. That's such a great idea.
I too love Thanks for Letting Me Share and echo its helpfulness for someone with a loved one in recovery. (Ostensibly I am in recovery myself, in Al-Anon, but it always feels little weird saying that.)
And thank you for including Can we read? in your awesome list -- I appreciate the support so much. At one time, I had 69 subscribers, too -- all I can say is that everything changes, and keep going!